Me, Myself & Art
If you enjoy my art this is the place to learn about my process and where I find my inspiration. I look forward to sharing my art journey with you!
Coming up with concepts and themes for art is one of the most satisfying aspects of the art process. The ideas behind the art are the foundation of the piece. Without a strong foundation the entire piece might fall apart. One of the easiest ways to develop a concept for an abstract painting is to begin with a simple word, phrase, or idea. Keeping a list, journal, or sketchbook full of prompts is a great way to remember themes you are interested in exploring. Having these ideas set aside will not only make the conceptualization process easier, it comes in very handy when you experience artist's block. (To learn more tricks to banish artist's block check out my post, "A Sketch A Day Keeps Artist's Block Away" , for brainstorming tips check out, "42 Abstract Art Concepts to Paint") Below are a list of words that will prompt your creativity! Begin With A DefinitionBelow are 30 words and their definitions to get you started on your next abstract art concept. To see the art I've created that was inspired by these ideas just click on the word! (The light grey titles indicate a link) I haven't explored every concept yet, but as I do I will link the final piece to the word in this list. Challenge yourself and have fun! (All definitions were found in Webster's Dictionary) "Solace" To cheer in grief or under calamity. To comfort. To relieve in affliction. To console. An easing of grief, loneliness, discomfort. "Tender" To present for acceptance. To offer in payment or satisfaction of an obligation. A formal offer, as of marriage, contractual terms, etc. One who attends or takes care of something. Easily impressed, broken, bruised, or injured. Very sensitive. Weak of constitution or physique. Requires careful handling. Weak, immature, young. That has or expresses affection, love, consideration. Impressionable. Sensitive to others feelings, sympathetic, compassionate. Careful, considerate, gentle, mild. Of soft or delicate quality. "Circus" In ancient Rome, an oval or oblong arena with tiers of seats around it, used for games, chariot races, etc. A similar arena, usually enclosed in a tent, for a show of acrobats, wild animals, clowns, etc. Any riotously entertaining person, thing, etc. "Trust" Confidence. A reliance or resting of the mind on the integrity, veracity, justice, friendship, or the sound principle of another person or thing. Responsibility or obligation resulting from this. To rely on. To allow to do something without fear of consequences. To depend on. "Polite" Smooth, lustrous, glossy. Polished, cultured, elegant, correct, or refined in behavior. Courteous, having good manners. "Sleek" Smooth and shiny. Glossy, as a highly polished surface. Well-groomed appearance. Polished in speech and behavior, especially in a way that does not seem genuine. Unctuous, oily. With ease and dexterity.
"Journey" Travel from one place to another. Passage through life. "Messenger" A harbinger, a forerunner. One who or that which foreshows. One who delivers communication. "Development" A step or stage in growth, advancement, etc. An event or happening. The elaboration of a theme. "Anticipate" To take or act before another, so as to forestall him. To take first possession of. To take up before the proper time. To foresee. To consider beforehand. To prevent by acting beforehand. To do in advance. "Suggestion" The process through which an idea is brought to the mind because of its connection or association with an idea already in the mind. A faint hint or indication. A small amount, a trace. The inducing of an idea, decision, etc., by means of a verbal or other stimulus, in another individual, who accepts it uncritically. "Extension" Stretching out in any direction. To expand or dilate in size. To stretch or reach forth. To enlarge or widen. To continue or prolong. "Wisdom" The faculty of making the best use of knowledge, experience, understanding, etc. Good judgement, sagacity. Learning, erudition, knowledge. "Cooperation" The act of working together or operating together to one end. Concurrent effort or labor.
"Blockage" Any obstruction or cause of obstruction. Hinderance, obstacle. A sudden interruption of passage, causing conflict. To impede the passage or progress of. "Communication" The act of imparting, conferring, or delivering, from on to another. Intercourse by words, letters, or messages. Interchange of thoughts or opinions, by conference or other means. Information or intelligence imparted by word or writing. "Link" Any of the series of rings or loops making up a chain or chain armor. A section of something resembling a chain. A point or stage in a series of circumstances. Anything serving to connect or tie. To unite by something intervening. To be or become connected, to join. "Precognition" Previous knowledge. Antecedent examination. "Attitude" The posture or position of a person showing or meant to show a mental state, emotion, or mood. The manner of acting, feeling, or thinking that shows one's disposition, opinion, etc. The posture, disposition, or action in which a figure is placed.
General Disclaimer: All information provided on this website is intended for informational and entertainment use only. Information contained in this website is not intended to be advice. By accessing, viewing or using this website you are agreeing that I am not liable or responsible for your business or personal results, or any other results that you may have as a result of information presented to you through this website. You accept and agree that you are solely responsible for your results and that I provide no express or implied guarantees or promises to you. This blog is about the process and inspiration of the artist, Courtney Hatcher. I reserve the right to change the focus or content of this blog at any time. ©Courtney Hatcher All Rights Reserved. The use of any image from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission from the artist is obtained.
Me, Myself & Artby Courtney Hatcher How to Create a Concept for an |
To Get You Started:(Definitions found in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the Cambridge Dictionary and *See the artwork I created based on these themes by clicking on the word! |
HUSH "To become quiet. Suppress." IGNITE "To set afire. To begin to glow." IMPEDIMENT "Something that makes progress, movement, or achieving something difficult or impossible. INFLATION "To expand or increase abnormally or imprudently." INSTINCT "A natural or inherent aptitude, impulse, or capacity." |
SECRET "Kept from knowledge or view. Working with hidden aims or methods." SELF-WORTH "The sense of one's own value or worth as a person." SHIFT "To make a change." SOLITUDE "The quality or state of being alone or remote from society." SONAR "An apparatus that detects the presence and location of a submerged object by means of sonic and supersonic waves reflected back to it from the object." |
Courtney Hatcher is an abstract artist from Flint, Michigan.
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